Hockey players know the real heart and soul of every team belongs to the players’ parents.
The parents who log long hours in the car driving to and from the rink and are there in the stands cheering on their players from mites all the way to the pros!
Want to give back to a hard-working hockey parent?
Nominate them for the Hockey Parent of the Month Award, presented by Meijer. Each Hockey Parent of the Month will receive a night in one of our 8 person suites along with catering for the evening.
They will also receive a sweatshirt from the Rockers merchandise stand and a Twenty-Five Dollar Gift Card from Meijer, plus other gifts.
Parents chosen as the Hockey Parent of the Month will be announced and introduced via the Rockers game night communications and social media posts.
So, nominate a deserving hockey parent today and let's celebrate the heart and soul of the hockey community together with Meijer!